X-MEN: What’s Your X-Story?

In the X-Men series, Jean is considered to be the most powerful of all the X-men. She is so powerful that Dr. Charles Xavier has to control her mind in order to contain her power. On the other hand, his archnemesis, Magneto, wants to make her aware of the power she possesses but for all the wrong reasons. He wants to “open her eyes” like the serpent in the Garden. He wants to get Jean to use her power to destroy others and further his cause.

How does this story relate to us? I’m glad you asked. Our enemy is the same way. He wants to deceive us into thinking that God is trying to keep something from us so we can use our gifts for selfish reasons. This will only bring him glory. He knows our inheritance. He knows the endless possibilities of us walking in the power of the Holy Spirit and operating in our God-given gifts. He knows what will happen if we find out who and whose we really are. That’s why he tries to keep us blind to our sin. That’s why he wants us bound by guilt and shame. That’s why he tries to whisper lies in our ears and make falsehoods appear so real. In the most recent movie, The Phoenix, we actually get to see the magnitude of Jean’s unleashed power when her mind isn’t being controlled. When I think of this comparison, the role of Dr. Xavier is synonymous to that of the Holy Spirit in our lives. The Holy Spirit gives us the wisdom and guidance needed to live victoriously. The Spirit helps us to walk in the fruit of the spirit so we can become more Christlike so God can get the glory out of lives and our flesh won’t be glorified. He gives us self-control because failing to do so leads to the destruction of self and others. However, the possibilities are endless when we walk in the anointing of God.

Think about it for a moment. What if we truly accepted the forgiveness and grace that God has extended to us? What if we allowed the Holy Spirit to take full control of our hearts, minds, and lives? What if we weren’t ashamed of who we used to be and allowed the power of our testimonies to be a light as well as an encouragement to those around us?

Don’t you know that no weapon could prosper against us and no force in Hell could stop us? If we all embraced the fullness of who we are in Christ and used it to build up the kingdom of God, the gates of Hell cannot prevail.

What is your X-story? Fornicator? Liar? Cheat? Thief? Mentally Ill? Suicidal? Orphan? Addict? Murderer? Abused? God can take our “used to” and make us brand new. He can even use it to change the lives of those around us. Our real power lies in allowing God to take what He delivered us from and turn it into something beautiful. Nothing is wasted. God has need of us. He wants to take the X out of our” X-Story” and make it “His-Story”.

He wants to take your X-story and use it for His glory. Let Him Use You!

Published by niacaraw

I am an educator, a wife of 25 years, and mother of three beautiful children. I have taught the word of God to all ages and love to share it in creative ways. I've always had a passion for written expression. Over the years, I have documented my personal thoughts and prayers. Poems, devotionals, worship songs, and more have come from my life experiences. Now, I am ready to share them with the hope that lives and hearts will be changed as well as greatly blessed. I am flawed but striving for perfection in Christ. Although I have fallen short of the glory of God, I am forgiven. I am loved with an everlasting love. I am FREE!

12 thoughts on “X-MEN: What’s Your X-Story?

  1. Great great word!!! That ole joker is doing nothing but creating a smoke screen!!!

    “He knows our inheritance. He knows the endless possibilities of us walking in the power of the Holy Spirit and operating in our God-given gifts. He knows what will happen if we find out who and whose we really are.”


  2. Thought about this passage….
    “Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men who practice homosexuality, 10 nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God. 11 And such were some of you. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God….1 Corinthians 6:9-11

    Talk about a passage that just puts it out there: Such WERE SOME OF YOU…..BUT GOD…..my goodness……


    1. Amen. I put those because I wanted to emphasize that God has it all covered. We are all requalified by His blood. For those who say you don’t know what I’ve done. He does and He can still use you and make you new.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. USE TO BE ME, but now I’ve been freed from stinking thinking!! I use to be and still can be, so through this perspective the Lord helps me to keep things in check….


  3. Great words here! I haven’t seen the X-men movie, but I love what you took from it. We do need to submit ourselves to the Holy Spirit, don’t we? We have to choose to trust Him with our minds and hearts both so He can protect us from the enemy and so He can use us powerfully. Thanks for getting me thinking on this! I stopped by from Kelly Balarie’s place. 🙂


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