So They May Know

This past week has been a challenge. Our daughter came home last Monday from school not feeling well and it led to a sequence of unexpected events. Throughout the night, she kept waking up feverish, with a headache, saying that she was being bitten while sleeping and bumps kept popping up all over her body. Tuesday morning, I told her to stay home from school because we had a rough night and she wasn’t feeling well. As soon as I could, I emailed her doctor and was instructed to bring her into the clinic during the afternoon. During the time leading up to her appointment, she kept saying her body was hurting and she was very lethargic. I rubbed her feet because she said they were extremely painful and she could hardly stand to walk on them. I also noticed that the rash which was also on her feet looked completely different than it did throughout the night. It had gone from individual bumps to large, red raised painful blotches. By the time we arrived at the doctor, she could barely move without assistance. The doctor examined her and instructed me to take to her to the ER at the children’s hospital immediately. Once we got there, the staff was busy running tests and she was admitted.

The first two days were filled with more tests, needles, and exams. She was in pain and dependent. Her headaches were so severe that she had light sensitivity and pain radiating down both sides of her neck. She was diagnosed with a respiratory infection but they felt something else was going on as well. Then Thursday, something happened. Her fever was gone, headaches were subsiding, and she was able to walk on her own. The rash had improved and the tests were all normal. The doctors had yet to explain what caused all of this but she was getting better. Friday, the doctor came in to examine her. Although her feet were still swollen, she had no pain and her skin looked much better than the day we arrived. The doctor told her that she had no real answers for us except she believed it was viral-induced. She said that her improvement was not based on anything they had done and that it appeared that her body was healing itself. My husband asked, “Are you saying it’s a miracle then?” The doctor replied, ” I can’t say all that”. I replied,”Well, we know who is doing it but thanks for your help”.

As an educated person, I’ve always found it intriguing that many people rely on their own reasoning and intellect to rationalize that they don’t understand. Yet, there evidence that points to God at work. Our understanding is limited and flawed. That’s why Proverbs 3:5 tells us to lean not unto our own understanding. Now, this is not a reflection or criticism of the doctor because she was only doing her job. Could it be that we were placed there at that particular time and in that situation to stir up or increase the faith of those around us? They were all amazed at how quickly she recovered considering the shape she was in upon arrival. The thing that intrigued me the most was the great sense of peace I felt the entire time. It was almost as if I knew she would be fine and that God was not only showing the medical staff His power but also my daughter and our family as well as our friends. He was showing her that He is a healer and that He a mighty. Although I would not have desired for my baby to get sick and go through so much pain, I count it all joy because she was given an opportunity to know Him for herself. We have to go through the fire to increase our faith and show others who God is.

Who are your “they”? Who has God placed along your path to see His glory revealed in your life? Are you willing to be who He uses to draw others unto Himself? If only we would lift Him up, He said He would draw all men unto Himself. It’s is so important for us to be bearers of His light and truth.

Why? So they may know Him.

Published by niacaraw

I am an educator, a wife of 25 years, and mother of three beautiful children. I have taught the word of God to all ages and love to share it in creative ways. I've always had a passion for written expression. Over the years, I have documented my personal thoughts and prayers. Poems, devotionals, worship songs, and more have come from my life experiences. Now, I am ready to share them with the hope that lives and hearts will be changed as well as greatly blessed. I am flawed but striving for perfection in Christ. Although I have fallen short of the glory of God, I am forgiven. I am loved with an everlasting love. I am FREE!

7 thoughts on “So They May Know

  1. Praise God for His miraculous acts. So good to hear your little girl is doing well.

    It is an honour and a privilege to be counted as one whom God chooses to reveal His Glory through. It’s not always an easy thing to go through, but just like a clay pot changes in fire, you’ll come out stronger. ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Hallelujah! Such a powerful testament of an awesome God. I’m sure glad your baby girl is doing better. I prayed for you on Monday morning when I went walking thinking that it was a while since I saw a post from you. God is tremendously amazing, I’m so thankful that in the midst of all this He gave you His Shalom ❤️

    Liked by 1 person

      1. My pleasure 🤗
        I understand the need to rest from having been at a hospital for days lol. Whew! Makes you wish the next couple of days were Sabbaths ❤️


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