God’s V.I.P. Section Part 1: Very Invited People

If you have ever been invited to an event,  it makes you feel special because you know that the host wants you there. God has extended many invitations to us. In fact, several of them begin with the word “Come” which means to move or travel toward or into a place thought of as nearContinueContinue reading “God’s V.I.P. Section Part 1: Very Invited People”


Abandoned,Rejected,Often Disrespected.Lied On,Violated,Sometimes Devastated.Misused,Abused,Frequently Confused.Unloved,Misunderstood,A complicated childhood.Adopted,Redeemed,Highly Esteemed.Authenticated,Purified,Rectified.Cherished,Acclaimed,Explained.Beloved,Appreciated,Divinely related.You took all these pieces,Pieces of me.Set them on your potter’s wheel,Paid my debts upon a tree.There is no imperfection only beauty in you,My life changed when I surrendered to your truth.No life, nor death, no power above,or below,Can separate me from the greatest love I know.Lord,ContinueContinue reading “Pieces”

When All Looks Lost, Keep Going

“My brothers and sisters, you will face all kinds of trouble. When you do, think of it as pure joy. Your faith will be put to the test. You know that when that happens it will produce in you the strength to continue. The strength to keep going must be allowed to finish its work.ContinueContinue reading “When All Looks Lost, Keep Going”

Betrayed By a Kiss, Bestowed With a Blessing

The beginnings and endings of my favorite movies often vary. Some beginnings drew me in only to let me down in the end. Then, there are those that began with heartbreak but ended triumphantly. The story of Jesus being betrayed by Judas is one of those stories. Judas walked beside Jesus many days doing kingdomContinueContinue reading “Betrayed By a Kiss, Bestowed With a Blessing”