A Pitier or A Praiser: Which One Are You?

Have you ever been around someone who is always the victim? Someone whom the world is against and has been betrayed by everyone. Does that sound familiar? Honestly, there have even been seasons of my life in which I felt victimized. Yes, I felt sorry for myself momentarily. Eventually, I had to get it together.ContinueContinue reading “A Pitier or A Praiser: Which One Are You?”

Your Artistry

Mountains and valleys, Monsoons and hurricanes, Exotic birds like parrots and cranes. Lakes and rivers, Streams and estuaries, Seasons From December back to January. Oceans, winds, give rise to hurricanes, Monsoons, typhoons, and tsunamis, Strong enough to bow and break massive trees. Photosynthesis and cellular respiration, Water, Carbon, and nitrogen recycling, To replenish what flowsContinueContinue reading “Your Artistry”