How Sweet It Is to Be Loved by Him

Photo by Ylanite Koppens on Hello Dear One, How are you today? I just wanted to remind you that you are loved beyond measure. Infinitely. Undeniably. Certainly. Passionately. Guess what? You didn’t have to earn it. His love isn’t based on your performance or your ability. His love is not generic or one sizeContinueContinue reading “How Sweet It Is to Be Loved by Him”

He Heals Broken Hearts

Lately, several of my closest friends and I have felt the pain of grief. My heart aches from missing my friend who courageously fought cancer and won her reward of Heaven. It doesn’t help that her birthday is in September and Breast Cancer Awareness Month is October. Although I know her suffering has ended, IContinueContinue reading “He Heals Broken Hearts”