The Evidence

Photo by David Bartus on This past weekend, I heard a song called,” Evidence”, by Josh Baldwin for the first time. It was so beautiful. The first part of the song says, “All throughout my history. Your faithfulness has walked beside me. The winter storms made way for spring. In every season, from whereContinueContinue reading “The Evidence”

New Mercies Every Day

Photo by Emiliano Arano on One of the exciting things we look forward to at the beginning of the New Year is the expectation of hope and promise that the new year brings. We sit and reflect over the past year and look introspectively into our lives to see what areas we have experiencedContinueContinue reading “New Mercies Every Day”

When Love Walks In

When love walks in. Fear is checked at the door. Humbled hearts bow in submission, Upon the holy threshing floor. When love walks in, Blinded eyes see again. A blanket lined in God’s glory, Covers a multitude of sin. When love walks in, Divided nations unify, Wisdom comes from Heaven, And shines the light onContinueContinue reading “When Love Walks In”

How Does Your Garden Grow?

Photo by Artem Saranin on Galatians 6:7-8 King James Version (KJV) 7 Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. 8 For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the SpiritContinueContinue reading “How Does Your Garden Grow?”

What Are Your Foxes?

Photo by Pixabay on At the end of each year, we make resolutions and set goals for the new year. These resolutions are things we would change or improve about ourselves. They could range from health to financial goals. Today, I would like to talk about our spiritual goals. What resolutions are we makingContinueContinue reading “What Are Your Foxes?”