Hwy 43 North

Traveling in Unfamiliar Territory Tomorrow is my 43rd birthday! I recently traveled from San Antonio, TX to Shreveport, LA to visit my mom. This was to be a familiar 7-8 hour trip, a route which I have traveled several times. I plugged my mother’s address into the GPS, gassed up, and headed north on Interstate 35.ContinueContinue reading “Hwy 43 North”

So They May Know

This past week has been a challenge. Our daughter came home last Monday from school not feeling well and it led to a sequence of unexpected events. Throughout the night, she kept waking up feverish, with a headache, saying that she was being bitten while sleeping and bumps kept popping up all over her body.ContinueContinue reading “So They May Know”

If We Only Had a Heart

If we only had a heart, We wouldn’t look on as the innocent die, Or turn a deaf ear as children torn from parent’s arms cry. If we only had a heart, We would see human and not race, We’d understand that because of Our Father everyone has a place. If we only had aContinueContinue reading “If We Only Had a Heart”

Our Scars: Signs of Victory

Have you ever stood in front of the mirror and took inventory of all your imperfections? I have. Have you ever taken a moment to think about the story behind each of them? I can remember some of them quite vividly. On the other hand, there are some that I have no idea about whereContinueContinue reading “Our Scars: Signs of Victory”

Tell It Tuesday- Blogger Recognition Award

Thank you AutumnWoodsWrites for nominating me for my first blogger award. It was a huge surprise and really means a lot to me. This has definitely inspired me to continue to blog. I am very grateful to God to know that FREE is being a blessing to others. Special thanks to every FREE contributing authorContinueContinue reading “Tell It Tuesday- Blogger Recognition Award”