Trust In God

He has promised us that He has nothing but good things in store for us. So, we have to trust in Him even when we don’t understand the means He’s using to get us to where we’re supposed to be. The Father knows best. Jeremiah 29:11- 11 For I know the plans I have forContinueContinue reading “Trust In God”

The Art of Letting Go

Photo by Life Of Pix on For years, I had an issue with letting go because of things I experienced as a kid. Due to the absence of several key people in my life, I tended to hold tightly to the people God placed in my life. My idea of loyalty was never walkingContinueContinue reading “The Art of Letting Go”

Seasons of Life

Photo by Alexas Fotos on Fall and Winter are my favorite times of the year. I loathe the heat of Texas summers and the allergies that come along with the Spring. However, each season has its purpose. In the Fall, change happens. We see the evidence of this in the appearance of reds, yellows,ContinueContinue reading “Seasons of Life”


Why do people grab their purses when they see me walking by? Little do they know I’ve never stolen anything in my whole life. Why is my natural hair considered so unprofessional? Yet, other ethnicities can work with colored hair and tatted skulls. Why am I deemed unworthy of a seat at the table? Yet,ContinueContinue reading “Why?”

Pack Light

Photo by nappy on During this pandemic, I have become emotionally exhausted. The unending stories of injustice, police brutality, ineffective government, and the lack of empathy, have been overwhelming. I never watch the news because we are fed bad news over and over again. It is very depressing. As a woman of color andContinueContinue reading “Pack Light”

The God Who Stays

We have all felt the pain of broken relationships. Such moments have been some of the least enjoyable times of my life but they have been some of the most powerful. It has been during these times that I have been reminded of the ever-present love and comfort of God. I have experienced His faithfulness.ContinueContinue reading “The God Who Stays”


There once was a sister, Who found herself a mister. And you’d think she’d found a pot of gold. But some how she got it twisted, Or she just altogether missed it, Because she had to give up her soul. Unhealthy patterns started, And she left herself unguarded, Then, she became consumed by lies. DistantContinueContinue reading “Awakened”

A Beautiful Mess

Well. Isn’t that an oxymoron? How could something or someone be both beautiful, and a mess at the same time? How can someone look young on the outside, but feel so broken in the inside? If you don’t already know or can’t imagine relating to this beautiful mess, then let me introduce myself.  Hello, myContinueContinue reading “A Beautiful Mess”